
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Fullblood Awassi .... Or Not? MythBuster Andy Karras Here With Another Stop The Naysayers Video :-)

Okay... Okay....

We know there are people in the USA and overseas who are, well... not real happy that Karras Farm took a huge leap forward and decided to be the first farm in the United States to import fullblood Awassi dairy sheep.

It's often out of jealousy, intimidation or fear of loss that people result to spreading false information or simply speculate without researching facts. This Awassi importation and breeding program is the result of a vision to enhance the dairy industry in the United States and quite frankly it's a massive undertaking mentally, physically and financially. I love being a shepherd, I love these animals and I will go to my grave knowing these animals are of the very best quality available for importation to the US. Karras Farm has built a highly recognized and trusted name in the dairy sheep community and I personally value everyone involved with advancing the cause of dairy sheep in the United States.

Here is a quick video that should give some insight to our New And Improved Awassi Dairy Sheep bloodline and some other fun facts along the way. The video is not the best quality and all of our original documentation can be viewed on our website or we are happy to pass along copies upon request.

Needless to say, Karras Farm has the highest quality pedigreed Awassi dairy sheep in the USA. It's unfortunate that even after sharing all the official documents and importation paperwork there will be some people who will question the heritage of these amazing sheep. We can't stop that and really feel sorry for those who have nothing better to do. But, if misery loves company you will have to look elsewhere for your company because Andy Karras is not interested in your invitation. This will be the only video I ever make to this effect and I will leave it up to the rest of you to make your own logical conclusions. So with out any additional delay lets get on to the low budget Karras Farm movie.....  3....beep....2....beep....1.... beep!!

We encourage any healthy discussion about dairy sheep or Awassi and encourage you to post comments, send emails or call Karras Farm. 
We will post all comments on the blog ..good .. bad or indifferent. It's helpful to have a fourm where everyone is invited and can feel free to express their opinions.
Have a Very Merry Christmas
The Karras Family

1 comment:

  1. These pedigrees are for the sires of the embryos, not the embryos themselves.


Andy Karras here! Let us know what you think and stay in touch.